HIPP RootsWeb Mailing List

To subscribe to the list in mail mode, send a message to HIPP-L-request@rootsweb.com that contains the word


in the message body and nothing else. Be sure to turn off your signature file if you have one.

If you prefer digest mode, then follow the same instructions but send the message instead to HIPP-D-request@rootsweb.com.

To unsubscribe, send the command


to HIPP-L-request@rootsweb.com (if in mail mode)
or HIPP-D-request@rootsweb.com (if in digest mode)

To switch from one mode to the other, you should unsubscribe from one and then subscribe to the other. There is no "no mail" mode -- if you want messages to stop, you should simply unsubscribe.

To post your messages to both HIPP-L and HIPP-D, messages should be sent to HIPP-L@rootsweb.com. Messages sent there will appear to everyone, whether they are receiving in mail or digest mode.

If you have any problems, please contact Robert Maddigan, who has graciously volunteered to set-up and maintain the mailing list.

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last updated: 11 April, 2007