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last updated: 8/7/2009
07 Oct 1749[List 141 C] At the Court House at Philadelphia, "Saturday, the Seventh Day of October, 1749
Present: Thomas Lawrence, Esquire, Mayor
The Foreigners whose Names are underwritten, imported in the Ship Leslie, Captn J. Ballendine, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes in England, did this day take the usual Oaths to the Government. By the List 121. 400 Persons from Palatinate, Manheim, Zweybreckt."
Among the names on the list of passengers were these, listed together: HS. STEPHAN HEPP; BERNHARDT HEPP; JERG HEPP. [1]
05 Jan 1761STEPHEN HIPP and ANNE WALKIN proved 150 acres in the province and bounty in South Carolina.
03 Aug 1761STEPHEN HIPP received a land grant in Berkeley Co., SC. It was certified by Gov. Wm. Simpson.
17 Sep 1766 STEPHEN HYP received a land grant on the east side of the Catawba River in the Gar Creek watershed, in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The first chain-bearer was George Elliot, and the second chain-bearer was Gideon Thompson. Neighbors of the property were Gideon Thompson, Robinson, John Anderson, Lawson, and Lawing Thompson.
1768STEPHEN HYP served as second chain-bearer when Gideon Thompson received a grant of land in the Catawba River watershed. William Lawing was first chain-bearer.

STEPHEN HYP served as first chain-bearer when John Anderson received a grant of land in the watershed of Garr Creek of the Catawba River. Jno. Anderson was second chain-bearer.

25 Aug 1781Last Will and Testament of STEPHEN HIPP, SR.
Mecklenburg County Will Book C, pp. 140.
Jan 1782STEPHEN HIPP his will proved by Rich. Barry. Letters Testay. Issued to Geo. Elliotte & John Long, Exrs. Named in Said Will, Elliotte qualified, etc. [WB-C/140] [4]
31 Mar 1784Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 13, pp. 700
William (X) Beard and wf Mary (X) to DAVID ALLISON, for £1,000 current NC money, 300 A on the east side of Catawba R above Curtis and Bigam and adj Matthew Patton and Miller. Sd land was deeded to Beard 21 Jul 1774 by Margaret Donaldson.
Wit: Thomas Allison, James Neel, and Jno. McAllister
Prvd in Oct 1789 Ct bt oath of James Neel
Sam Martin, CMC, by Jno. Rodgers, DC. [2]
1787April Session - Return of the Estate of STEPHEN HIPP
The executors of STEPHEN HIPP, deceased
To amount of sales of estate£105.14.00
Cr by sundry payments as per vouchers filed 24.09.06
Balance in executors hands£ 81.04.06
06 Mar 1792Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 14, pp. 142
Robert Dunn and wf Ann to Michael Stinson, 100 A on Long Creek on the east side of the Catawba River. Witnesses: John Dunn and JOHN (x) HIPP. Proved in Oct 1792 Court by John Dunn. Isaac Alexander, CMC. [2]
02 Nov 1792Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 14, pp. 158
ANN, JOHN, GEO., JACOB, JOSEPH, & ANDREW HIPP, all late of Mecklenburg, legatees of STEVAN HIPP, decd, to VALENTINE HIPP, for £150 lawful NC money, 250 A on Gar Cr on the east side of Catawba R adj Gideon Thompson, Fran[cis? page broken] Beatie, Geo. Elliot, and Anderson. Sd land was patented 17 Sep 1766 to STEVAN HIPP by whose will it descended to the grantors.
Wit: John (X) Nighton and George (..) Hopp.
Proved in Jan 1793 Ct by Jno. Nighton. Isaac Alexander, CMC [2]
Jan 1793A deed from JOHN HIPP, GEORGE HIPP, JACOB HIPP, ANN HIPP & ANDREW HIPP Heirs of STEPHEN HIPP, Decd., to VALENTINE HIPP for 250 Acres Dated 2nd of Novemr. 1792, (proved) by John Knighton. [4]
22 Jan 1794DAVID ALLISON and wf ELIZABETH (X), for love and affec-tion, to our children viz: (1) to Michum Hunter and Steward Banks, a horse 8 years old and 3 head of cattle, (2) to James McClure and his sister Margaret, a bay mare 6 years old and 6 head of cattle, and (3) to our daughter Margaret McClure all (our) house furniture and a side saddle.
Wit: Mick. McCleary and Sampson Hardgrove.
Prvd in Jan 1794 Ct by the witnesses.
Isaac Alexander, CMC. Reg. 18 Mar 1794 [2]
Apr 1794STEPHEN HIPP serves on Pettit Jury. [4]
1797Taxables for Capt. John Dunn's Company, Mecklenburg Co., NC [6]
STEVEN HIPP150 acres
JOHN HIPP145 acres1 WP
24 May 1797Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 15, pp. 282
Grantees: VALENTINE HIPP and MARGARET HIPP; Grantor: John Nighton; 125 acres on the Catawba River and Garr Creek. [3]
Oct 1797Mecklenburg County - STEPHEN HIPP serves on jury. [4]
Mecklenburg County - ordered to work on a road that Hugh Stevenson is an Overseer for are STEVEN HIPP, JOHN HIPP, James Dunn, Andrew Dunn, Thomas Jamison, Michl. Stevenson, John Long, James Henderson, Jno. Dunn, Thomas Martin, Ben. Allen, Wm. Lawing, Robert Dunn, Gideon Thompson, Jo. Thompson, Adam Todd, John Nighton, Jno. Peoples, Andrew Elliote and Henry Foard. [4]
20 Oct 1797Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 15, pp. 373
DAVID ALLISON made a deed of gift to VALENTINE HIP for 155 acres of land on the east side of the Catawba River above Costers + Bighams; Matthew Pattons line; Frances Beaties corner Stake; to JOHN HIPS corner; then with sd JOHN HIPS line to the beginning...signed by DAVID ALLISON...witnessed by Jno Neel and Will Neel [DJJ '98]
1798Taxables for Capt. McCleary's Company, Mecklenburg Co., NC [6]
STEVEN HIPP150 acres1 WP
JOHN HIPP145 acres1 WP
Jan 1798DAVID ALLISON to VALENTINE HIPP a Deed of Gift for 155 Acres of Land Dated the 20th day of October A.D. 1797, (proved) by JAMES NEAL. [4]
1799Taxables for Capt. McCleary's Company, Mecklenburg Co., NC [6]
JOHN HIPP147 acres1 WP
Jul 1799James Neel, Esq., is elected High Sheriff of Mecklenburg County by a vote of 9 out of 13 among the Justices; James Neel took the Oath of Office, and entered into Bond to the Governor for "the faithful collecting and payment of Publick monies into the proper office" in the Sum of £2000 with John Reed, John Cummins, VALENTINE HIPP, & Matthew Robison, & also "one other Bond to Court for the faithful execution of his Office of Sheriff in the Sum of £5000 with the Same Securities as Above." [4]
VALENTINE HIPP serves on jury. [4]
16 Jun 1800Mecklenburg Co., NC Will Book A, pp. 29
DAVID (X) ALLISON, probated in July 1800 Ct. Being very sick, I give to my sons-in-law VALENTINE and ANDREW HIPP each $1; and to MARGARET HIPP, dau of ANDREW HIPP, the remainder of my estate, both real and personal.
Exrs: Michael McLeary, Jurat, and Robert Crocket
Wit: Michael McLeary [5]
Jan 1801JOHN HIPP appointed to serve on jury at April term. [5]
Apr 1801JOHN HIPP serves on Grand Jury. [5]
Oct 1801VALENTINE HIPP serves on Traverse Jury. [5]
Jan 1802Wardens of the Poor vs James Neel, Esquire, Sheriff, James Reed, VALENTINE HIPP, John Cummins, Matthew Robison, Securities. On Motion of the Chairman of the Board of Wardens (of the Poor), James Neel, Esq., came into Court and Confessed Judgement for the Sum of £142.10.0 being the amoung of the Poor Tax for the Year 1799. Issued (?) to October 1803. [5]
Jan 1805State vs. VALENTINE HIPP. Submitted & fined 6d. Clerks fees & Fine Recd. by I. A. (Isaac Alexander?) [5]
1806Taxables for Capt. McCleary's Company, Mecklenburg Co., NC [6]
JOHN HIPP150 acres1 WP
Oct 1806STEVEN HIPP and FRANCIS PERRY of Capt. McCleary's Company ordered to attend as jurors at the next January term. [5]
1807*Taxables for Capt. Denkins's Company, Mecklenburg Co., NC
(*Surmised by the researcher/author) [6]
JOHN HIPP150 acres1 WP
Apr 1807VALENTINE HIPP ordered to serve as a juror at the next Court. [5]
Jul 1807VALENTINE HIPP serves as a juror at Court. [5]
Oct 1807JOHN HIPP and others "appointed a Jury of View to lay and Mark a road from Charlotte to Scotts Ferry on the Catawba river so as to continue the Road to the Tuckaseegee ford with the other till within two miles of the river. Issd." [5]
1808Taxables for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
STEVEN HIPP147 acres
JOHN HIPP150 acres
1810 Taxables in Capt. McKinley's Company, Mecklenburg Co., NC
ANDREW HIPP145 acres1 WP
JOHN HIPP200 acres1 WP
DAVID HIPP147 acres1 WP
Apr 1810JOHN HIPP and others ordered to serve on a jury to lay off to the widow Mary Hogdon her dower in the lands of her deceased husband. Issd. [5]
10 Apr 1810Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 19, pp. 624
Agreement between JACKSON WESTMORELAND of Mecklenburg Co. and ANDREW HIP of Mecklenburg Co. of the other part. For the sum of 500 dollars JACKSON WESTMORELAND sold to ANDREW HIP 105 acres on the waters of Long Creek...being part of a tract of land originally owned by Jno McKnitt Alexander by patent dated April 6, 1765...signed J. WESTMORELAND...witnessed by VALENTINE HIPP, Solomon (Query?)...registered January 30 1812 [DJJ '98]
12 Jan 1811Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 19, pp. 607
LABAN RHODES of the state of South Carolina grants power of attorney to VALENTINE HIPP and gives him power to "ask, demand, sue for, levy, recover + receive all such sums of money which are or shall be due, owing, payable + belonging" to him from the Estate of DAVID ALLISON Deceased...signed LABAN presence of STEPHEN HIPP, ANDREW HIPP...registered June 24 1811 [DJJ '98]
May 1811A power of Attorney from LABON RHODES to VALENTINE HIPP authorizing and impowering the said VALENTINE HIPP to sue for and recover all Sums of Money that may be due or owing to him from the Estate of DAVID ALLISON, Decd., bearing dte the 12th day of January 1811 (proved) by STEPHEN HIPP. [5]
Aug 1811JOHN HIPP served on a Grand Jury. [5]
Nov 1811JACKSON WESTMORELAND to ANDREW HIPP, for 145 acres bearing the date the 10th day of April 1810, proved by Soloman Perry. [5]
27 Feb 1813Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 19, pp. 100
Indenture made between William Flinn and JOHN HIPP of the one part and Henry Hover of the other part...the said Wm Flinn and John Hip sold to Henry Hoover a tract of land on Long Creek waters...joining Baird, Thos + others...David McCords land....containing 200 acres...witnessed by Wm McKinley and Benj Hardgrove...registered June 23 1815 [DJJ '98]
Aug 1814STEPHEN HIPP and VALENTINE HIPP ordered to serve as on the jury at the next court. [5]
Nov 1814STEPHEN HIPP and VALENTINE HIPP serve on the jury. [5]
Nov 1814JOHN HIPP ordered to serve as a juror at the next Court. [5]
1815 Taxables in Capt. Hoover's Company, Mecklenburg Co., NC
VALENTINE HIPP155 acres$310
ANDREW HIPP145 acres$362.501 WP
JOHN HIPP, SR.146 acres$5841 WP
DAVID HIPP147 acres$2941 WP
May 1815Henry Hoover to JOHN HIPP, for 200 acres of Land and also an Instrument of Writing annexed Signed by JOHN HIPP releasing the Said Hoover from Warranting Said land from any person only himself & his Heirs, bearing date the 1st day of Feby. 1814, (proved) by Benj. Hargrove. [5]
(See Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 20, pp. 100-101)
May 1816VALENTINE HIPP ordered to serve as a juror at the next Court. [5]
Aug 1816VALENTINE HIPP serves on a Grand Jury at Court. [5]
Feb 1817Ordered by the court that SALLY HIPP, Six Years old the 21st of July next, be bound to Henry Emerson until of full Age to learn the Art of Mystery of a Spinster, and that he comply with the law in Such case provided. [5]
May 1818ANDREW HIPP ordered to serve on jury. [5]
Aug 1818ANDREW HIPP ordered to serve on Grand Jury. [5]
Nov 1819GEORGE HIPP to Joseph Thompson, for 105 acres of Land bearing date the 5th day of Novr. 1806, (proved) by Alexr. Cathey. [5]
(See Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 19, pp. 164)
Nov 1820ANDREW HIPP and VALENTINE HIPP selected to serve on jury at Feb 1821 term. [5]
The Hipp family from which I descend lived in what is now Long Creek Township of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Stephen Hipp, Sr. lived on land that was located on Gar Creek on the east side of the Catawba River, near Hopewell Presbyterian Church. Apparently, early descendants attended Paw Creek Presbyterian Church in Paw Creek Township and Trinity United Methodist Church in Long Creek. Descendants may also have attended Hopewell Presbyterian. Stephen's sons, Stephen Jr. and Valentine, remained in Mecklenburg County. Sons Andrew, John, Jacob, Joseph and George sold the land that they inherited from their father, and removed to South Carolina, taking their mother, Ann along.
Hipp Family Timeline
Sources for Hipp Timeline

Pennsylvania German Pioneers

Herman W. Ferguson, Genealogical Deed Abstracts Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Books 10 - 14, (600 Chad Drive, Rocky Mount, NC, 27803, 1990)

Grantee Index to Real Estate Conveyances - Mecklenburg Co., NC (microfilm)

Herman W. Ferguson, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Minutes of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1780-1800, (600 Chad Drive, Rocky Mount, NC, 27803, 1995)

Herman W. Ferguson, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Minutes of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions Volume II: 1801-1820, (600 Chad Drive, Rocky Mount, NC, 27803, 1997)

Herman W. Ferguson & Ralph B. Ferguson, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina · Will Abstracts 1791-1868, Books A-J · Tax Lists, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1806 & 1807, (600 Chad Drive, Rocky Mount, NC, 27803, 1993)

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