According to her gravestone, in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Fannie Belle Potts, daughter of Henrietta Hipp Hutchison Potts, was born on 27 Sep 1880 and died on 11 December 1898, when only eighteen years old. She is buried in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, east of Waldron, Arkansas. According to the church records, Fannie Belle Potts was converted and baptized in a two week revival in July of 1895, and became a member of the Pleasant Grove [No.3] Baptist Church. When she was only 15, Fannie Belle Potts married W. D. Parker, age 20, of the Greenridge community [in the Mt. Pleasant Township] on 5 July 1896. They were married by Rev. John O. Mitchell. [see Scott County Marriage Record Record Book B page 303] They had one son, Felix Parker, who was born in May 1897. In the 1900 census, young Felix Parker is enumerated living with Benjamin Franklin Newberry and wife, Martha Catherine Hutchison.
W. D. Parker, age 24, next married, Dora South, age 19, on 2 August 1900. They were married by Thomas Barto Williams, a Justice of the Peace who was also, Henrietta's brother in law. [See, Marriage Record Book B page 505, Scott County, Arkansas]. He had a large family by Dora South, and they left Scott County, Arkansas prior to 1920.
The first name of Mr. Potts, second husband is not known, and the family had no recollection of him except that Henrietta ran him off. No trace of him has been found of him since he left.
4. My uncle, Ed Rhyne, brother to my mother, and my mother did remember Mr. Shaw, Henrietta's third husband, however, no record has been found of this marriage. Neither did they remember his first name, however, there was once a John Shaw living in the Mt. Pleasant Township. The family did remember that Henrietta had two boys by him, and evidently she did marry him as she used the name Henrietta Shaw on her marriage license application when she married her fourth and last husband. The names of her two boys were: John and William Shaw, according to family tradition. No further information has been found on these two sons of Henrietta nor did they live with her after her relationship with Mr. Shaw ended..
5. When Henrietta Hipp Hutchison Potts Shaw was 42 years old, she married the fourth and last time to Judge Jesse H Payne, age 73, on the 4th of July 1897, according to Marriage Record Book B page 359, Scott County, Arkansas. Judge Payne had considerable land and was a highly respectable man. Judge Payne is believed to have died in 1908, and Henrietta having no business experience was quickly swindled out of his land for a small sum of money and spent the rest of her life living with her daughter, Martha Catherine.
In 1910, Henrietta Hipp Hutchison Potts Shaw Payne is enumerated as age 54, born in Tennessee, and living with her daughter, Martha Catherine.
In August of 1927, Mrs. H. Payne was received in baptism in the Pleasant Grove [No. 3] Baptist Church. This church is located east of Waldron, Arkansas about six miles. The name, Henrietta Payne, was listed on the church rolls under the title "Names of Females" on the church rolls in 1891, at the Pleasant Grove [No. 3]Baptist Church, east of Waldron, Scott County, Arkansas.
6. Henrietta's daughter Martha Catherine Hutchison, age 18, married B. F. [Benjamin Franklin] Newberry, age 23, of the Greenridge community, on 19 October 1893, according Marriage Record Book B page 174 to the records of Scott County, Arkansas. The Benjamin F. Newberry household was enumerated as follows in the 1910 census:
Benjamin F. Newberry, age 38, TN US TN, married once for six years
Catherine C., age 34, TN US TN had four children with three living
Eula L., 15, AR
James H. [Hillary], 17, AR
Harvey L. [Lester], 2, AR
Note: [Blanche H. Newbery was born 18 May 1896- died 24 May 1999, burial in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Scott County]
Martha Catherine Hutchison Newberry was born on 2 February 1875 and died on 21 May 1959. Though, Martha Catherine lived almost all of her life in Scott County, she died in the Taylor Nursing Home at Heavener, in LeFlore County, Oklahoma. Her body was returned to the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery for burial beside Henrietta, her mother. Benjamin Franklin Newberry was born 15 September 1870 in Meigs County, Tennessee and died in Scott County, Arkansas on 22 February 1930. He was the son of Henry Newberry and Loucinda Pritchett Harvey both from Tennessee.